Hi, I’m Natalie!
And not to state the obvious, but…this is what I’m doing!
I’m a corporate digital marketer by day, avid do-er by night, and you can count on me to always have an overly long list of things I want to be doing. Hence the always busy, never bored theme.
Where did this stem from?
A hot take: I hate TV/movies/watching things. I feel like so many of us (myself included!) spend too much time staring at screens, scrolling on our phones, and mindlessly watching things instead of doing things.
Maybe it’s the only child in me that taught me how to entertain myself in a cable-less, WiFi-less home, but I’ve always been really good at keeping myself busy and entertained. I constantly have a running list of things to do – projects of things to make, things to cook, things to do, create, etc.
So this is me sharing those things in hopes that I can inspire you to also stop watching things and start doing.
Want to get in touch?
Please reach out at [email protected]. I’m always open to new and exciting ventures!